Guatemala La Morena Huehuetenango SHB
Guatemala La Morena Huehuetenango SHB
In Guatemala, gender equality remains a challenge, and coffee has long been a male-dominated industry. These factors have made it incredibly difficult for women to compete and thrive in the coffee world. That's why we are thrilled to offer La Morena as a platform to showcase the work of women farmers across Guatemala.
Genuine Origin started the La Morena program in 2016 with Volcafe Guatemala, its sister company in Guatemala. The first lot featured coffee from four producers in 32 boxes (roughly - 2,000 lbs). Several years later, we are proud to be importing container loads of La Morena and expanding the program to other regions.
What We Taste: Bittersweet Chocolate, Plum, Brown Sugar, Green Apple
Body: Medium
Acidity: Bright/ Intense
Process: Washed
12 ounce/ 340 grams
Region Huehuetenango
Altitude 1200-1600
Various Women producers
Bourbon, Caturra, Catuai
December - March